Slideshow image: Kenyan boy. text: its
Slideshow image: Kenyan boy in doorway. text: all
Slideshow image: Kenyan boys holding programs. text: about
Slideshow image: Children assembled in structure. text: about
Slideshow image: Children, teachers, and parents intermingled.

Maybe it's some additional workbooks needed for arithmetic, a case of paper for classroom exercises, or even as simple as enough chalk for the chalkboard. Could be it's help with spelling homework after school with a tutor, one-on-one. The Kenyan schools need help, just like schools all over the globe.

Primary school budgets are tough in Kenya, just like they are in the US and other countries. Teachers are doing a great job but there simply aren't enough of them. School supplies are stretched thin on every front. We help furnish the learning environment so these kids can thrive.

Think of it like this - we don't build schools and we're not teachers. But we help furnish the schools with learning materials and provide volunteer support for the teachers. If we help the teachers and the schools, we help these little ones. Simple, right?

Importantly, it's a ministry. We share The Good News whenever the opportunity is presented. God owns it all - in all things and all ways, we work for Him.