A view of Lake Victoria


Who We Are

Board of Directors

Mike Parrish, Director

Mike Parrish, Director

Mike is laying the groundwork to get this ministry started and producing fruit in 2022. He's very dedicated to his `adopted family` and friends in Kenya and loves the people there fiercely. He will be making several trips in 2022 to get with the teachers and faculty to determine their prioritized needs and start addressing them with the Board.

Bill Kampbell, Director

Bill Kampbell, Director

Bill is retired from the US Army and provides selfless service to other US Veterans in need. He is an advocate and counselor for veterans with all types of issues and is a well-known civic leader in Middle Tennessee. bill brings a deep love for Christ to the table every single day and knows how to get things done.

Larry Powell, Director

Larry Powell, Director

Larry is a US Army, Vietnam Veteran that came home, got out of the military and worked for Kroger for 46 years. He now spends the majority of his days performing volunteer work on Habitat for Humanity homes (with help on some 65 homes so far and still going). He sees a mission field that he can, and will, readily support.

Prospective Directors

There are currently four (4) prospective Board members under consideration for a full Director position within KSM. We hope to diversify and increase our Board up to a total of seven (7) total members by Spring 2022.

Jason Rigney

Jason Rigney, placeholder photo.

Jason is a strong Christian man and prior (always) US Marine. He owns and operates Drake's Barber Shop in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He'll be supporting KSM and the kids every single day as he talks with all of his customers.

Disclosure Forms

IRS Determination letter

Preview of IRS Determination letter

Thanks for the prayers! We're OFFICIALLY a tax-exempt public charity for 2022. All donations will now be fully tax deductible.

Corporate Charter

Preview of KSM Charter

Charter of Corporation, as approved by the State of Tennessee, is posted here.

Corporate By-Laws

Preview of KSM By-Laws

By-Laws of the Corporation, as approved by the State of Tennessee, is posted here.

Operations Manual

Preview of KSM Operations Manual cover, not yet implemented.

The Operations Manual houses Board-approved corporate plans, policies, procedures, and document implementation for the corporation.

Budget for 2022

Preview of KSM Budget, not yet implemented.

The budget for 2022 is predicated on the trip to Kenya to determine specific needs. We are beginning to populate expense projections, but we do not yet have anything firm to share.

Financials for 2022

Preview of KSM quarterly financials document, not yet ready.

We've just gotten the corporate bank account set up with the minimum deposit. We intend to have financials ready by end of July 2022.

Form 990-N

Form 990-N, starting tax year 2021