Kenyan landscape


provide educational resources for primary school children in Kenya

Why is Primary Education so Important?

Major life-long consequences accrue from primary education. The cumulative nature of the learning process, whether in literacy or numeracy, requires internalization of basic abstractions. Without this process at a young age, children fall behind in the trajectory of cognitive development and thereby fail to reach their potential. Moreover, primary educational access facilitates the identification of, and assistance to, both gifted and struggling young minds.

A nation's development relies considerably on the access of its population to educational institutions. Access to primary education, regardless of class or caste or income, levels the social playing field. Gender equality, another significant marker of national development, improves alongside assurance of access to educational institutions, including primary schools.

Primary education provides the foundation upon which the talents of a nation's youth may grow.

Teachers Need Materials, Supplies and Additional Support

One of the assumptions from above is that primary schools have all the tools and supplies they need to make the educational process the best possible. That they have plenty of teachers and the student-to-teacher ratio is always low, so that each student gets all the attention they need. But we know that isn't the case virtually anywhere in the world except for the very fortunate few.

So, the concept of KSM is simple - visit with the teachers, students and faculty at various Kenyan primary schools. Find out what supplies, materials and tools are needed and then raise the funds to help provide them. And provide access to volunteers to help in ways that support the specific needs identified by the people most involved. We are here to service their needs as they see best served.

Why Kenya?

The Kenyan people are warm, welcoming, loving and know that primary education is critical to their kids' overall success in life. Kenya has teachers, faculty and parents that care deeply about their children. The Kenyan government is extremely positive and supportive of early educational needs. We're only there to help provide materials and supplies that support the education process that they identify and request. These teachers and faculty know their stuff and are true professionals with hearts of gold. And the kids - bright, smiling and they want to learn. They want their futures to be as bright as possible.

Budget and Fundraising Efforts

Budget items come from visits to Kenya and meetings with teachers and faculty. They identify the needs and then we work with them to form a prioritized list. KSM publishes the list on the Disclosures page, along with a budget that is based on providing for each item on that list. This is where reality sets in - we can only fund what we have budget, from fundraising, to fund.

We'll be starting with a few schools in Kericho and then expanding as needs are met and other schools seek assistance. It's all based on individuals seeing the needs before them, praying about it and then donating on the website. Fundraising and budget pointed to solving specific needs. It's very simple and very transparent. As we say, "...despise not small beginnings."

So Many Schools...

Kenya has roughly some 31,218 primary schools. What if we could positively impact just 10% of them with educationally-supportive supplies and materials within the next few years? Once we start getting there, taking pictures and showing our success stories, you'll be able to see the joy one child at a time.